Dr. Jordan Pettigrew & Associates

Sedation Dentistry in Ottawa

Offering Peace of Mind for Every Dental Patient

We understand that visiting the dentist can be quite anxious. But don’t worry; we’re here to help. Sedation dentistry in Ottawa is like a magic trick that helps you feel calm and relaxed during dental work. Whether you’re anxious or have health concerns, we’ve got you covered.

Taking care of your mental well-being is just as important as your physical health, and we’re here to make sure you feel comfortable every step of the way. So, if you need a little extra help feeling calm at the sedation dentist, we’ve got the solution for you.

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Sedation Dentistry using nitrous oxide

Soothe Anxiety Before Your Next Appointment

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Have you ever heard of laughing gas? It’s not just for giggles; it helps you relax at the dentist. They give it to you through a mask, and it’s like breathing in air, except it makes you feel calm and chill. So, if you’re nervous about dental stuff, Nitrous Oxide sedation dentistry in Westboro is here to help you feel at ease in no time.

Oral Sedation for Complex Dental Procedures

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation refers to an oral pill prescribed in advance, which we will typically instruct you to take about an hour before your dental procedure. The effects of oral sedation are stronger and longer-lasting than those of nitrous oxide sedation, so patients will need to arrange a ride home from the dental office after an oral sedation dentistry procedure.
Oral sedation dentistry
Sedation Dentistry using nitrous oxide

IV Sedation

What is IV Sedation?

Dr. Silver can give you a special sedation called IV sedation. It’s not like being fully asleep; you still breathe on your own and don’t need a tube in your throat. The aim is to make you super calm and relaxed during surgery without remembering it later.

But if you’re scared of needles or want to be totally knocked out, IV sedation isn’t for you. You’d need something stronger called general anesthesia for that. So, if you’re nervous about surgery but okay with needles, IV sedation might be just what you need.

Sedation Dentistry Near You

At Dr. Jordan Pettigrew & Associates, we’re all about making your dental visits easy-breezy! Our sedation dentistry near you is like a cozy blanket for your nerves. With our skilled team and fancy techniques, we make sure every visit feels just right for you.

So, if you want your trips to the dentist in Ottawa to be stress-free and comfy, book with us today. We’ll turn your dental check-ups into super-relaxing experiences you’ll actually look forward to.


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